About me


My name is Gustavo Costa. I am newly graduated in Computer Science in 2019 and work with several professions, by hobby, freelance and home office – computer scientist, full-stack developer, graphic designer, mathematician, software engineer and translator. Recently I focus more on icons design for Linux and macOS.

I am enthusiast of free and open source software. I have been an user of Linux since October 2009 and my first distribution was Ubuntu Linux 10.10. I have used several distributions – Arch Linux, Debian, elementary OS, Kali Linux, Linux Mint and openSUSE. Currently I am using Manjaro KDE. I use KDE to analyse if the icons seem good or bad in KDE. Although I am loyal to Linux, I do not abandon macOS whose I depend on some apps I like more, as Affinity Designer, Glyphs Pro and Sketch. As my Mac mini is dead, now I use Windows 10 for using Affinity Designer and FontLab.

As I am already graduated, I am planning to try to get a master's degree in astronomy or aerospace engineering, and to get a doctoral degree in astrophysics.

I like to keep me informed about astronomy and technology (aerospace, artificial intelligence, computers, interstellar exploration, programming languages, robot, smartphone, etc.). In my free time, I am totally diverse and eclectic (I mean I like everything), as I enjoy to study, read and research numerous disciplines of both exact and human sciences. 1 Otherwise, I love to learn many new foreign languages, I know 15 languages, I do not consider myself a polyglot, I consider myself a multilingual; to play with programming language codes; to play with the Linux anc macOS terminal; to practice sports (bodybuilding, judo and swimming) and to watch science fiction films.

Am I not a goer? Only if to the mall for buying stylish clothes, for eating Japanese food and for watching new sci-fi films.

1 aerospace engineering, architecture, astronomy, astrophysics, biology, computer science, design, civil engineering, geography, history, laws, linguistics, mathematics, philosophy, photography, physics, politics, programming, sociology and typography, software engineering and robotics engineering.